Go Beyond Net Zero with Net Blue™

Revolutionary carbon removal for a cleaner planet

With Net Blue™, you can do more than just reduce your carbon emissions.

BlueGreen’s Net Blue™, which follows the Social Carbon Foundation methodology, is the first nature-based climate solution to reduce harmful algal blooms and sequester significant amounts of carbon at the same time.

By supporting ecosystems, enhancing biodiversity, and removing massive quantities of greenhouse gasses from the atmosphere, we’re creating premium-value carbon credits that allow you to do more than just meet your carbon commitments but also become a frontrunner in environmental rehabilitation.

How It Started - A Mission To Preserve Life On Earth

We launched BlueGreen Water Technologies with the mission of preserving and promoting life on Earth - starting with the pressing issue of water safety. By clearing up cyanobacteria-contaminated waterbodies, we are increasing the volume of safe water available worldwide.

Our deep-tech solutions allow us to target and eliminate harmful blooms (algae and cyanobacteria) and make vast tracts of water safe. Our treatments also restore environmental balance, enhance biodiversity, improve human and animal health, and bolster regional economies.

From Cleaning Water Bodies To Capturing Carbon

Double Benefits - Carbon removal AND water safety

Our holistic water treatments not only eliminate harmful algae but also capture carbon by accelerating a natural process.

By treating large waterbodies - where the greatest amounts of carbon are stored - we can potentially remove hundreds of thousands of tons of harmful carbon from the atmosphere each year - locking it away for decades. At the same time, we are supporting aquatic ecosystems and enhancing biodiversity.

The rewards reaped by unleashing carbon credits allow us to provide complimentary water remediation to communities that cannot afford treatments. In this way, we are creating super carbon credits that socially-conscious corporations and governments can rely on.

*Following the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15, 2022), biodiversity is now recognized as equally important to GHG reduction. BlueGreen addresses both biodiversity improvement and GHG reduction.

The Net Blue™ Advantage
No residue or footprint

Biodegradable formulations hit their target without leaving harmful residues in the water.

Requires no infastructure

No upfront purchase of software or equipment needed.

Cost effective

Revolutionary framework removes an unrivaled amount of carbon per dollar spent.


From small lakes to vast oceans, our water-based treatments capture carbon at scale.

Added value

Also sequesters methane.

Proven Results
Carbon Credits issued
Co-benefits - providing safewater to needy communities without charge.
(thanks to sustainable business model)
Interested in finding out more about NetBlue’s premium credits?
How a Net Blue™ carbon credit is born
Identify waterbody suitable for treatment using our proprietary technologies and in collaboration with our water scientists 
Approach governing board responsible for waterbody and offer a comprehensive treatment plan - at no cost to the community
Obtain mandatory permits and prepare necessary measures for treatment
Execute treatment and gather data to define project success
Receive regulatory approval and carbon credits determined by Social Carbon
Release carbon credits for market sale
Our Commitment to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

As a responsible corporate citizen, BlueGreen is dedicated to promoting UN SDGs in all our spheres of influence.

Sustainable Development Goals 3 Good Health and Well-Being
Sustainable Development Goals 6 Clean Water and Sanitation
Sustainable Development Goals 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities
Sustainable Development Goals 13 Climate Action
Sustainable Development Goals 14 Life Below Water
Sustainable Development Goals 17 Partnerships for the Goals
Sacramento Bee: Will global leaders at UN conference finally leverage water power to address climate crisis?
Miami Herald: Will COP28 prove to be a watershed moment or a washout?
Success Story: Mantua Reservoir, Utah
Deseret News: Is Utah winning the war on algal blooms?
Mountains above a clear lake

Join us in creating a sustainable future for our planet. Contact us to learn more about Net Blue™

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2 Northpoint Dr. STE 925 Houston Tx 77060
+1 866-269-2828