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Large-Scale Carbon Removal In Action

Mantua Reservoir Success Story:

Pioneering Carbon Removal Through Algal Remediation

This remediation project marks the first test of our Net Blue™ methodology via freshwater harmful algal bloom remediation.

Bluegreen Water Technologies successfully demonstrated the power of its Net Blue™ methodology at Utah's Mantua Reservoir in September 2023. This project achieved a major breakthrough in carbon removal while also addressing the reservoir's severe harmful algal bloom (HAB) problem.

The Challenge

Located in scenic Sardine Canyon, Mantua Reservoir provides recreation for fishing and water sports. However, since 2017, annual HABs created toxic conditions, endangering public health and disrupting the local ecosystem.

BlueGreen's Solution

Working with Brigham City, Bluegreen deployed a multifaceted approach:

Targeted Treatment: The company's proprietary algaecide, Lake Guard® Oxy, was strategically applied to neutralize the HABs.

Net Blue™ Carbon Quantification: This unique methodology calculates the atmospheric CO₂ removed as the microalgae decays.

Why This Matters:

The Mantua Reservoir project demonstrates a scalable, nature-based solution that tackles two critical environmental issues

HAB Mitigation:

Protects public health and restores waterbody usability.

Climate action:

Provides quantifiable carbon removal, contributing to climate change mitigation efforts. By removing 12,913 tonnes of CO₂, this project is equivalent to taking 2,800 cars off the road for a year.

A significant milestone in the fight against climate change

Bluegreen Water Technologies' achievement at Mantua Reservoir represents a significant milestone in the fight against climate change. Net Blue™ offers a promising new tool for removing excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere while improving water quality.

Setumo Dam, South Africa:

A Sea Change in Blue Carbon, Water Quality, and Quality of Life

Bluegreen Water Technologies brought transformative change to Setumo Dam in South Africa, addressing a complex environmental crisis with far-reaching benefits for the community.

The Challenge

Setumo Dam, a critical water source for rural communities, suffered from severe water quality issues and excessive carbon build up due to harmful algal blooms. This led to unsafe drinking water and negative impacts on the local ecosystem.

BlueGreen's Solution

Water Restoration: BlueGreen's targeted treatment restored water quality to safe drinking standards, benefiting an estimated 500,000 residents.

Carbon Removal: An estimated 44,000 tons of CO2 were removed and sequestered during the project, addressing climate change.


Improved Water Access:

Restored drinking water for half a million people, significantly enhancing the quality of life.

Carbon reduction:

Contributed to climate change mitigation through the large-scale removal of CO2.

Pioneering efforts:

Advanced understanding of the Net Blue methodology for freshwater bodies.

The Power of Net Blue™

By restoring water quality, Bluegreen's approach both tackles climate change and provides essential resources to communities reliant on these water sources.

*While carbon credits were not produced due to the methodology's early stages, this project demonstrated the potential of NetBlue™ initiatives in freshwater environments.

Mountains above a clear lake

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