Net Blue™ - Our Methodology

What is Net Blue™?

By integrating a natural process with our proprietary technologies and water science, BlueGreen’s Net Blue™, approved by the Social Carbon Foundation, offers an innovative way to tackle algal blooms while removing carbon (sequestered carbon) at scale.

Read on to learn more about this revolutionary solution and how it was born…

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From Remediating Water Bodies To Capturing Carbon

What began as a mission to protect and preserve the world’s waterbodies soon evolved into our second, and equally important, mission - to reduce carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. It all started with harmful algal blooms (HABs.)

HABs - A Significant Environmental Threat

Microalgae, including blue-green algae (cyanobacteria), occur naturally in lakes and oceans across the globe. However, seemingly harmless algae can multiply swiftly, dominating ecosystems, creating hostile conditions for other organisms, and releasing toxins that can sicken or kill people and animals. In short, they become harmful algal blooms (HABs). 

HABs pose one of the most significant environmental threats on earth today. They hamper the delicate balance of life and the environment, cause economic harm to industries that rely on water, and reduce the availability of safe water worldwide. 

Through our pioneering and innovative HABs remediation methods, we are both protecting the world’s waterbodies and removing carbon from the atmosphere.

Our 3-Pronged Approach To Water Safety and Carbon Removal
1. Smart data acquisition - Satellite and drone imagery, remote sensing, and in-situ measurements provide extensive data that we use in devising targeted treatments.
2. AI & data analytics - We are evolving deep learning analytics to evaluate data and produce extensive insights, covering the size, scale, and trends of infestation. Next-gen artificial intelligence systems will be able to generate precise bloom-treatment protocols in real time.
3. Proprietary water and biotech solutions - Our regulatory-approved formulas wipe out harmful algal blooms or prevent them from blooming altogether. We also provide post-intervention monitoring, analysis, and prediction to guide future prevention and treatment.

Net Blue™: The Link Between HABs Treatment and Carbon Removal

We soon realized that by treating HABs in waterbodies around the world, we were also removing large amounts of carbon in the process. This is because our treatment protocols do more than just eliminate HABs; they also sequester the carbon that these algae naturally absorb.This is how our Net Blue™ carbon remediation solution was born.

Attacking HABs - A Highly Efficient Way to Capture Carbon

Blue-green algae - the main players in HABs - are highly efficient at storing large concentrations of carbon dioxide, which they use to fuel their growth. When detected through our technologies and treated with our innovative formulations, HABs undergo rapid cell death, during which the dead mass sinks to the bottom of the waterbody and undergoes sedimentation. The end result is natural carbon removal, where carbon contained within the treated algae becomes locked away for potentially thousands of years. 

Net Blue™ Super Carbon Credits
Mountains above a clear lake

Join us in creating a sustainable future for our planet. Contact us to learn more about Net Blue™

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